A recent Harvard Business Review blog argues that failure is so fantastic that organisations ought to hold a regular fail-fest at which employees wear a pink feather boa and celebrate their cock-ups. 《哈佛商业评论》博客上最近的一篇文章建议,因为失败是如此美妙的一件事情,各类组织都应定期举行失败欢庆会,让员工戴上粉色羽毛围巾,庆祝过去的种种失败。
If I thought the BBC would organise a party for me and give me a pink feather boa if I messed up, I would barely be moved to try at all. 如果我这样想:反正如果我搞砸,英国广播公司(BBC)会为我举办庆祝活动,给我戴上粉色羽毛围巾,那么我可能根本提不起努力的劲头。
His toilet lid is wrapped in aqua chiffon with a purple feather boa border and the room is decorated with flower petals and a picture of Pierre's girlfriend, Gigi. 马桶盖由浅绿色的薄纱包着,边上镶着紫色的花纹。